The species is also divided into a number of subspecies differing in size, coat, antler details and other features. Our red deer research covers a range of topics: We are combining genetic and ...
First, the Cervinae, which includes muntjacs, red deer, elks ... of Rangifer tarandus and 26 different subspecies of Odocoileus virginianus. Whitetail deer are native to the Americas.
QUESTION: Are elk a subspecies of deer or a separate species ... Within this family are four Genera: Alces (moose), Cervus (elk and red deer), Rangifer (caribou) and Odocoileus (deer). So far, so good ...
The magnificent Dachigam National Park is adorned with deep valleys, rocky outcrops, steep wooded slopes and rolling alpine ...
They have also been spotted in Wales, including a small population of red/sika hybrids. The wild sika deer in the UK are all thought to belong to the Japanese subspecies, which is smaller than the ...