Indus river is originated from the great Himalayan ranges and Zanskar river originates from Zanskar ranges. Zanskar river is shiny blue in colour, on the other hand Indus looks a little green.
Cash-strapped Pakistan has discovered vast gold reserves in the Indus River, which is estimated to be worth around ₹80,000 crore.
The Indus river may have flooded and changed its direction ... Archaeologists are still discovering more about the Indus Civilisation. They take photos of the sites from the air, carry out ...
Serving the nation since 1947 by providing an accurate, objective, uninterrupted flow of news to the people, the national ...
The first population estimation of riverine dolphins in India has revealed the presence of 6,327 dolphins in the Ganga, Brahmaputra and Indus river systems, according to a government report published ...
"One bright spot… in a very depressing world picture." The treaty marks the end of a twelve-year fight between India and Pakistan over the division of the waters of the immense Indus River basin ...