the Pawn can only move one square diagonally. They can never move backward. Parents can also take the help of various software and apps to teach their children the fundamentals of chess.
A Bold and Adventurous Move . In the profound world of chess, the term "gambit" is filled with mystery and charm. Gambits represent a bold opening strategy wh ...
1.1.Placing the White Knight on a1 on an otherwise empty Chess Board, let us add White Pawns on b2, c3, d4, e5, f6 and g7. How many moves does it take the a1 Knight to reach h8 this time?
and standard chess rules would call a draw on 50 moves without a capture or pawn move. In 1920, the machine got a facelift, although it used the same algorithm. Now normal chess pieces were moved ...
The French Defence is thought to date back centuries but takes its name from a game played by correspondence between the Paris and London chess clubs in 1834. In response to white’s first move of a ...
While chess is often considered a serious game, it can also be fun and artistic. The World Chess Hall of Fame’s new exhibit, Paws and Pawns: Exploring Animal Chess Sets, on view January 30 through ...
DONALD Trump is playing chess and Mad Vlad Putin is just a pawn in his masterclass game, Nigel Farage declared today. In an ...
Gukesh blundered a pawn early in the game, allowing Caruana to take control. A seasoned Chess 960 player, Caruana smoothly transitioned the position into a conventional chess setup by move 15 ...