A Northwest Georgia senator has filed a bill that would require the state to use hand-marked and hand-counted paper ballots ...
Fact check: False. The Federal Election Code in Section 50does not specify the type of pen or pencil that should be used to fill in the ballot paper. It merely states that a pen should be ...
Squares? Be bold and watch where you’re coloring. Paper ballots usually require voters to fill in shapes next to their choice of candidate, but sometimes the shapes are counterintuitive.
State lawmakers in Georgia are considering changes to the states voting practices.A new bill in the General Assembly would ...
"Remember, it was 2019 that Democrats were advocating for paper ballots," Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore said.
House 245, “Pen and paper ballots,” requires all county clerks to set the default voting method to paper ballots, with an exception provided to voters who have a disability. Laramie County is ...
One false claim circulating on social media was that you can't use a pencil to mark the ballot paper in GermanyImage: X There seems to be confusion in general also whether it is allowed to use an ...