Rekha, who had tied the knot with Delhi-based businessman Mukesh Aggarwal in March 1990, tragically lost her husband to suicide just seven months after their marriage. When Simi asked Rekha if she ...
an industrialist Mukesh Aggarwal. While there are some known names, there have been many more, names that you might not know, but were a part of Rekha’s life. When Rekha Was Slapped By Amitabh ...
After her unfulfilled love with Amitabh Bachchan, Rekha married businessman Mukesh Aggarwal. Unfortunately, their marriage was also short-lived, as Mukesh tragically died by suicide. Decades later ...
He passed away at the age of 70 while battling cancer last year in 2023. Rekha was married to businessman Mukesh Agarwal in ...
She later married the renowned businessman Mukesh Aggarwal, but tragically, he took his own life. Since then, Rekha has not remarried. During her husband’s life, Rekha had a female manager named ...
Credit: Instagram/@legendaryrekha Many believe that Rekha never married due to her unfulfilled love. But in reality, Rekha did marry an industrialist, Mukesh Aggarwal, in 1990.