Moles in particular do not like the smell of vinegar. In addition, vinegar can leave a filmy residue in the soil. If moles ...
Burying the litter in mole tunnels will certainly keep them at bay. Also, cat or dog fur can do the trick - they emit a smell that mole's find unpleasant. Looking for ways to rid your garden of moles?
Adult insects, snails, slugs, sowbugs, millipedes, and centipedes provide the remainder. The hairy-tailed mole uses its highly-developed sense of touch and smell to locate prey, catching some of these ...
Agnieszka Bacal/Shutterstock Star-nosed moles have a good sense of smell – also called the olfactory sense – but they rely primarily on their sense of touch to navigate their surroundings. This is ...
Urine from pigs and cows can also be used. It is poured into the holes continuously and its smell sends the moles away. Moles don’t like the taste and smell of castor oil. Make a mixture of ...