The Mangroves Cleanup Drive, which has now completed 240 consecutive weeks, continues to gain momentum as efforts to protect ...
“We were powerless, like children.” Ghoramara Island, India, on the western edge of the Sundarbans mangrove forest, has been robbed of its protective mangroves by tree cutting and sea-level ...
It had dense mangrove forests along with many species of wildlife such ... An independent scientific peer review of this Climate Witness story has been coordinated by the WWF India office. Please ...
59 year old Torika Lewaca, is one of the many fisher women here in Tavualevu village, in Tavua, on the north western side of Fiji’s Viti Levu Island, that depend on mangroves within their traditional ...
WWF reports that tigers are often found in India's mangroves, regions especially susceptible to storm surges and wind damage. Rising sea levels caused by climate shifts threaten to wipe out these ...
Gujarat plans to expand its mangrove afforestation under the MISHTI scheme, aiming to plant across 15,000 hectares to ...
Today, over 80% of wild tigers live in WWF supported landscapes. Will you join us, and help protect this amazing wild cat? Tigers can live in a wide variety of natural habitats, from forested habitats ...
This mangrove forest is the habitat of many ... According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), in China, Russia, India, Nepal and Bhutan are either steady or growing. WWF also estimates there are ...