To most people, a dressing of leaf lettuce on a burger or a pizza might look like a crime even if it adds a crunchy texture.
Not only should you avoid washing lettuce right when you get home from the store, but you should also keep it whole. “Cutting ...
When winter settles in, and your outdoor garden rests under a layer of frost, it's easy to miss the joy of growing fresh, vibrant plants. The good news? You don't have to wait for spring to enjoy ...
Some plants are naturally more resilient in cold temperatures. Pansies are one of the best choices for winter gardens. Kathy ...
you can grow tasty salads in the garden all year round. Choose from hardy varieties of your favourite summer lettuce, or experiment with more unusual winter salad crops such as Texsel greens and ...
Transplant broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, kale and lettuce into the garden. Direct seed carrots, radish turnips and other rooting vegetables. From mid-January through mid-February ...
Cyber Monday deals are here, making it the perfect opportunity to bring your gardening indoors with a Lettuce Grow system. Thanks to its all-in-one system, it is perfect for growing herbs ...