NEW YORK (AP) — She was the first to go “SOLO.” Seven years ago, global pop phenomenon Jennie became the first member of the K-pop group Blackpink to release solo music. On Friday ...
Jennie‘s first solo studio album, Ruby, is finally here, and last night, the Blackpink star kicked off the Ruby Experience — a series of four shows at intimate venues, starting with two shows ...
JENNIE’s debut solo album ‘Ruby’ is out now, and the global pop star celebrated the release with a concert at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles. Keep watching to see an inside look at the ...
Jennie has never just been a pop star; she’s a phenomenon, the kind of celebrity whose every move sparks conversation, adoration and relentless scrutiny. But the BLACKPINK “it girl” doesn ...
BLACKPINK singer Jennie has shared her thoughts on the K-pop girl group’s legacy, saying she “really believe[s] we’re making a cultural move with what we’re doing”. READ MORE ...
BLACKPINK’s Jennie was recently spotted crying during a live rendition of her new track, Twin. While many online speculated that it was about love, the heartfelt lyrics reveal a more profound ...