Two men were injured in a shooting Sunday night, March 16, at an apartment complex in Huntington Beach. The Huntington Beach ...
Jim Phelps makes all kinds of accusations regarding OCPA but offers exactly zero proof. He claims that OCPA’s energy is ...
If you have extra time, Huntington City Beach and the Huntington Beach Pier is worthwhile. If you've seen a photo of Huntington Beach, chances are it's of its main beach and famous pier.
Gruel, who will finish the term of Tony Strickland, now a state senator, is a frequent Fox News guest and has long criticized ...
Without any public discussion, city council members selected celebrity chef Andrew Gruel to join them on the dais after ...
Huntington Beach leaders announced Tuesday their plans ... Many in the community now have a negative view of the library, which cannot offer the depth of services it did previously, she said.
Huntington Beach has become one of the reddest cities ... Biden Jr. Councilman Chad Williams, who was elected last year, said he did not view the slogans as political. He said the plaque was ...
As Venus Moeller took in the Golden View Elementary School environmental science showcase on Thursday afternoon, she couldn’t help but smile. She made an offhand remark that the atmosphere ...