As for a happy and thriving peace lily, Justin says the plant does a good job at resisting ailments, noting: "A healthy peace lily usually does a pretty good job at resisting disease, but a ...
A peace lily owner has shared the simple trick she uses to encourage her houseplant to flower - it also keeps the plant happy ...
That’s why it’s imperative to stick your finger into the soil to test moisture levels every time before watering your peace lily. It’s fine to water your peace lily with a watering can ...
Typical household humidity levels may not be high enough to keep peace lily leaves green and healthy. Brown leaf tips can be a sign the leaves are drying out and the plant needs more humidity.
If you devote some time to properly watering your peace lily and positioning it in the perfect spot in your home, it should bounce back to a healthy and vibrant state in no time.
The expert said: “You should also spray watery mist at peace lilies weekly, as it mimics their natural tropical habitat and removes dust. Your peace lily will look lush and healthy all season ...
Once your peace lily has flowered, you’ll want to do some maintenance, too. “Once the flowers start to fade and die, make sure you deadhead them, as this will keep your plant healthy and ...
Even the thinnest layer of dust on your peace lily leaves can prevent this process from happening, so in order to keep them as healthy as possible, you should be wiping the leaves clean regularly.