To harvest the lettuce, cut the entire head using a sharp harvesting knife around an inch from the base of the plant.
How to harvest lettuce Lettuce grows great in the Carolinas during our cool season. I have three plantings of lettuce that I ...
BAY VILLAGE, Ohio -- It’s salad days for Bay Middle School seventh-graders -- in more ways than one. A group of boys is ...
With a little bit of planning, gardeners can enjoy small amounts of fresh produce throughout the season by succession sowing.
Try to avoid wetting the leaves. Plants growing in pots will need watering more frequently; more than once a day in hot, dry weather. Touch the compost to check if it feels dry before watering. High ...
When plants come up, they can be grown under fluorescent lights or next to a sunny window until frost is done for the season (similar to annual flowers). They then should be gradually acclimated to ...
And Iowa does not have ideal conditions for lettuce. So stick to leaf-type lettuces ... to about 1-inch high. They'll grow back two or three times. No additional seed or planting time needed!