Un-shucked corn and an open flame could be a recipe for disaster if you don't thoroughly inspect the cobs before firing up the grill. The papery thin husks are extremely flammable when dry ...
On the grill, corn takes center stage. With the husks peeled back or removed, a hot grill imparts a charred flavor in just minutes. The grilled corn is placed directly on the grates, cooked for 6 ...
Microwave - Leave corn in husks, place in the microwave, and cook them on high for 4-6 minutes. Let corn cool and then pull off husks and silk. Grill: Heat grill to medium-hot, pull back the husks, ...
Most people opt to grill corn on the cob when given the ... For the last method, I microwaved the corn in its husk This method was, again, super easy. All I did was stick the corn (still in ...