Warning! Spoilers ahead for Marvel's MCU tie-in TVA comic! The MCU’s Scarlet Witch took a harsh turn from Avenger, to ...
Scarlet Witch variant crushed by mountain in TVA #4, echoing her fate in Multiverse of Madness. Artist Pere Perez clarifies ...
Where she wouldn’t have to deal with grief. By becoming the Scarlet Witch, Wanda accessed a different kind of power, which will be on full display in Doctor Strange 2. She’s had time to master ...
Mobius being attacked by a green-cloaked killer he mistook for ... the son of Wolverine and the half-brother of twin siblings Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver from the original Ultimate Universe.
The latest issue of Marvel Comics' TVA hits shelves tomorrow, and it confirms that the Wanda Variant we saw in issue 3's ...
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of their iconic wedding in Giant-Size Avengers #4, Scarlet Witch and Vision are reunited at last in the pages of The Vision & the Scarlet Witch, a five-issue ...