and if you’ve ever wanted to see the capabilities of an FPGA tightly coupled to a fast processor, this is the board to watch. The core of the Snickerdoodle is a Xilinx Zynq that features either ...
I speak, of course, of the Xilinx Zynq, a combination of a high-power ARM A9 processor and a very capable FPGA. Now the Zynq has been made Pynq with a new dev board from Digilent. The heart of ...
Nuremberg, Germany - March 7, 2017 – Aldec, Inc., a pioneer in mixed HDL language simulation and hardware-assisted verification for ASIC and FPGA designs, introduces end-to-end HW/SW Co-Verification ...
264 codec IP plus highly efficient Xilinx LogiCore HDMI subsystem IPs is described ... It is connected to the HPC FMC connector of Zynq ZC706 board. The FMC daughter card has 2 ports. Sink and Source.
The company’s most recent product in that area is the Zynq RFSoC ... the base FPGA technology that board manufacturers would then integrate into their products. “Xilinx has a long and proud ...