REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA - Perkembangan ekonomi syariah (eksyar) di Indonesia terus menunjukkan tren positif. Berkaitan ...
They would thus demand ever-higher rates of interest on debt. Eventually, the merry-go-round would grind to a halt, triggering a crisis the likes of which the U.S. has never faced.
Some of the most acute and pervasive human rights abuses take place in times of crisis and conflict. The Crisis, Conflict and Arms division documents and exposes violations of human rights and the ...
Despite recent infusions of cash from international investors and lenders that have stabilized the economy, analysts say the country may face a new crisis unless it makes major changes.
Pusat Standardisasi Instrumen Pengelolaan Hutan Berkelanjutan (PuSTARhut) menggelar Simposium Nasional dengan tema “Standar ...
But who do you blame? When it comes to the subprime mortgage crisis, there was no single entity or individual at whom we could point the finger. Instead, this mess was the collective creation of ...
Anas menjelaskan, seluruh Kanreg BKN sebagai pelaksana teknis rekrutmen CASN menjadi ujung tombak kelancaran pelaksanaan CASN ...
America’s affordable-housing crisis exacerbates wealth inequities, leads low-income parents to live in neighborhoods with less upward mobility and reduces our country’s capacity for economic ...
Gabungan Industri Pariwisata Indonesia (GIPI) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta mengusulkan pembentukan crisis center yang bertugas ...
The ask was made just prior to the rainy season, which typically lasts through September, and could exacerbate the existing crisis and cause outbreaks of waterborne diseases, according to the UNHCR.
So perhaps you’d be surprised to hear the results of a Harvard Graduate School of Education survey on mental health in America: Young adults are the ones most in crisis. Even Richard Weissbourd ...
America has put a particular emphasis since the pandemic on addressing an ongoing mental health and loneliness crisis, particularly among teens. While it was warranted to worry about teens ...