The series follows Earn (Donald Glover), a college dropout, during his day-to-day life in Atlanta as the manager for his cousin, a rapper known as Paper Boi. "Atlanta" also stars Brian Tyree Henry ...
Donald Glover may be saying goodbye to his hip-hop ... While accepting the Emmy for best lead actor in a comedy for "Atlanta" ...
Actor, writer and producer Donald Glover stars in this remake of 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith,' a story of married assassins.
Atlanta-based puppeteer-filmmaker named featured artist of Puppetry NOW exhibition at the Center for Puppetry Arts.
And what I liked about what our series, “Atlanta,” did, from the brain of Donald Glover and his brother Stephen, is that it allowed us this kind of play space to create something culturally ...
When Donald Glover started as a staff writer on 30 Rock ... Instead, Donald gave us Atlanta, a TV series that is basically him: funny, beautiful, stylish, melancholy and startlingly confident.
Back in February 2021, Donald Glover (Atlanta) made a major creative career move, signing a reported multiple-year, eight-figure overall deal with Amazon that included a content channel where ...
At the 61st Annual Grammy Awards, Glover's 2018 single "This Is America," won every category for which it was nominated and debuted at the top of the Billboard Hot 100. It was the first hip-hop song ...