Although the ability to expand a home computer with more RAM ... to relatively easy and cheaply make your own cards for the ISA bus, and the subsequent and equally open PCI bus.
Their driverless buses have sensors enabling them to travel on pre-selected roads at up to 50mph. On each trip they switch between autonomous and manual driving, being controlled by computer ...
The agency's board has unanimously approved a contract with Ineo Systrans for a new computer dispatch system. The $1.3 million, five-year contract is intended to provide Marin Transit with better real ...
Known as "the computer bus man", Alex Townsend has been awarded the British Empire Medal. The 62-year-old said the accolade was a tribute to everyone who had "embraced what they learned" from the ...
Although the PET is most likely the more well-known of Commodore’s early computer systems ... drive like the ubiquitous 1541 with its IEC bus interface was not a first-party accessory.