Christmas cactus and Thanksgiving cactus are related plants but are easy to tell one from the other. Both require certain ...
The Christmas cactus (genus Schlumbergera) is one of the most popular plants to give and receive during the holiday season.
Is your Christmas cactus underperforming or in poor health? Diagnose and correct comment problems affecting holiday cacti to ...
Here is everything you need to know in order to keep your holiday cactus happy and in good condition during the winter.
Keep your holiday cactus in bright, but indirect sunlight, and avoid areas that are too warm or too drafty. For those looking ...
A Christmas cactus is a very quirky plant and looks so great over the festive period in full bloom with its bright flowers - ...
Carol Kagan, Penn State Extension Franklin County Master Gardener and Jennie Mazzone, Penn State Extension Franklin County ...
Nothing brings indoor cheer to my household more than a Christmas cactus in bloom. They are easy to cultivate, and I offer ...
There are several different types of holiday cactus, including Christmas cactus, Thanksgiving cactus and Easter cactus, which bloom nearest to the holidays for which they are named. All of these ...