This vision of a near-future wherein creatures come ... a movie this defiantly strange? You just need to see it for yourself. When Evil Lurks is one of the most messed-up horror flicks you could ...
You know you want to see that. Takashi Miike may have ... a movie that shaped dozens of films to come. One of the best horror movies ever made, Herk Harvey’s 1962 film is an early cult classic ...
Choose “horror movies,” and there’s no way to further refine that selection of almost 1,000 films. You can’t reorder the list alphabetically. There are no subgenres, or further categories.
Horror is arguably the most versatile genre of movies. A good horror movie does what it can to elicit feelings of fear, shock or disgust from its audience. Whether it's copious amounts of gore ...
Horror movies will often live or die on the strength of their central monster design. It's tough to come up with a truly unique creature these days, but if there's something neat for audiences to ...
After drawing up huge rankings of the best horror movies on Netflix and the best horror movies on Hulu, it’s safe to say we’ve gotten used to the challenge of diving through the refuse of a ...