The Aggressive Cichlid (Jack Dempsey) While many cichlid species are omnivorous, the Jack Dempsey cichlid is most definitely a carnivore. Because of their temperament, Jack Dempsey fish are not a good ...
Over 1,800 species of cichlid fish live in Africa’s Rift Valleys lakes. In this crowded world, many cichlid species use ‘mouth-brooding’ to both incubate their eggs, and protect their young.
Jewel cichlids, also referred to as red cichlid or African jewelfish, are freshwater fish native to Africa and Central South ...
Cichlids: Cichlidae are unique in that they have teeth both ... Killifishes (toothcarps): Aplocheilidae are an important prey item for other fish species. They feed on insect larvae, such as ...