A cartoon of the prophet, considered blasphemous by many Muslims, is once again provoking debate and competing accusations of prejudice and extremism. Après l’attaque contre Charlie Hebdo en ...
Charlie Hebdo republished those cartoons at the time, and its director said the paper would not back down this time, either. “Rare are those who, five years later, dare oppose the demands that ...
Charlie Hebdo regularly published cartoons and articles satirizing jihadists, and also drew caricatures of the prophet Muhammad. This has angered Islamic militant groups, partially because ...
"Those who loot these places of worship, who desecrate them and kill their Christian compatriots ... Protests against the Charlie Hebdo cartoon were also seen on Friday in Pakistan, where ...
This past week, Christians were offered a bleak choice: either you are with Charlie Hebdo - “Je ... intend to undermine Christian values. And, of course, they are afraid of what will happen if they ...
I am also profoundly anti-­Christian, anti-Hindu ... baiting", as The Guardian's Seamas Milne described the Charlie Hebdo cartoons. We should not "disrespect the oppressed by disrespecting ...
By publishing cartoons on the Russian Tu-154 plane crash ... the French weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo once again demonstrated what "democracy and freedom of speech" really is ...
Among the cartoons, most of which were first published by a Danish newspaper in 2005 and then by Charlie Hebdo a year later, is one of Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban with a lit fuse protruding.
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MOSCOW, November 6. /TASS/. Russia's presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov referred to the Charlie Hebdo cartoons about the crash of the Russian plane in Egypt as blasphemy having ...
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