Two women are working to save the coral reef from the invasive lionfish, using it as a sustainable teaching tool and cooking ...
These fish have been called a variety of ... And the Gulf Stream is this massive mover of water that carries tropical water northward from the Caribbean, and water from the Gulf Stream can make ...
Without a natural predator, invasive lionfish, which damage coral reefs, have become widespread throughout the Caribbean over the ... miles), a group of venomous fish native to the Indo-Pacific ...
The battle against invasive species is a long and grueling one, but it is winnable. The first step is recognising that the locals on the frontlines are not just individuals fighting a losing battle ...
Synonymous with winter sun, the tropical Caribbean islands are full of options and adventures for all types of charter groups ...
Keus started asking restaurants for the fish fins back to make jewellery. She opened a retail store called Lionfish Caribbean in 2016, located in Kura Hulanda Village, selling hand-made lionfish ...