As well as making his own facemasks and competing in bare-knuckle fights, Alex has an unusual hobby: bear wrestling. Specifically a Russian brown bear named Tom. Videos of his encounters with the ...
"Thank god it wasn't brown bear mating season," JBL chuckled. Layfield noted that the bear's lack of front teeth likely saved ...
Bare-knuckle bear-fighter Alex Terrible of Slaughter to Prevail is getting his own statue of him wrestling a bear thanks to Player 1 Studios.
Wondering about the difference between INDYCAR, NASCAR and Formula 1 rides? We got you covered with this quick explainer.
Haines middle school wrestling capped off a successful season last weekend at the Tanana Invitational in Fairbanks.
Mike Krzyzewski, the Duke Blue Devils' legendary Coach K, once told his players a hilarious story during his team's pregame.