A Russian Telegram channel has claimed that Bashar al Assad may have been poisoned, sparking online speculation about the fate of the Syrian dictator after he fled to Moscow following his downfall.
Syrians across the world are celebrating the fall of Bashar al-Assad as thousands return to the country. Trump Demands Panama Lower Transit Fees or Return Canal The Best Anime Characters Who Hide ...
QARDAHA, LATAKIA, Syria — There is a long, winding road leading to what was once the family home of ousted Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad just outside Latakia on Syria's Mediterranean coast.
From Donald Trump being shot at a campaign rally to Bashar al-Assad's shock overthrow, Newsweek writers on the moment of 2024: plus have your say. "I believe there will be violent fighting ...
(MENAFN- Live Mint) Bashar al-Assad, the ousted Syrian president, is reportedly the victim of an alleged poisoning attempt while in Moscow. Sources indicate that Assad, who has been under the ...