Barn swallows commonly nest in the eaves of houses. During the breeding season, keep an eye out for puddles on your property. You may see these birds collecting bits of mud for their nests.
The newest residents, thousands of barn swallows and cliff swallows, are making themselves unwelcome by building mud nests under the eaves. "I don't want them flying around and leaving bird feces ...
Nest boxes help many species of birds, including eastern bluebirds, tree swallows and wood ducks, by providing protection ...
My first February there, a bird’s nest was built precariously over my front door. It had two inhabitants. I did some research, learned they were barn swallows and assumed they would probably be ...
Every summer, barn swallows return to nest in an old storehouse on Juan’s farm. So he hung a ripped oil painting before a shattered window through which he knew the birds entered. Eight hours later, ...