Loan funds must be used to purchase assistive technology devices. AT devices are defined as anything that will improve mobility, accessibility, or quality of life. AT devices may also be used to ...
Read&Write is a text to speech software which helps to improve your reading and writing comprehension. Read&Write is available to all Dalhousie and King's students for free! Follow the instructions ...
The U.S. Department of Education issued guidance this week on steps school systems can take to make accessibility a core ...
Assistive devices allow you to do these tasks with less pain. They protect your joints and prevent injuries. “Assistive devices help make daily activities easier and safer,” says Elin Schold ...
Conversations about assistive technology exploration begin with this. Assists with decision making, or to serve as a loaner while the consumer is waiting for device repair or funding. To provide ...
Depending on your needs, you may benefit from the following Assistive Technology resources. There are many free options to have your digital course materials read aloud. Please see some of the popular ...
Audio can be played back on the device or even on your computer. Notes can be made with traditional pen and paper, or linked to typed notes with note taking software. Some Assistive Technology ...