Sophia, a world-renowned robot, has been the center of attention at an Artificial Intelligence and Innovation fair in ...
World models, like all AI models, also hallucinate — and internalize biases in their training data. A world model trained ...
Why is diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in AI critical for robotics hardware, including semiconductors, chips and ...
From Nvidia's opening remarks to a first-of-its-kind immersive keynote at The Sphere, here are more than 65 AI things to do ...
As we close the curtain on 2024, a strange phenomenon is creeping into the market. I’ll call it AI fatigue. There’s a sense ...
The AI robot companion called Moxie, which was designed to help teach social skills, is being discontinued after the company ...
Robots will replace human labor, to some extent and over time, but people shouldn’t be too worried, according to a long-time ...
Researchers hacked several robots infused with large language models, getting them to behave dangerously—and pointing to a ...
Save a staggering $300 on this self-emptying ultra-smart robot vacuum with an enormous 60-day capacity before this ...
Chinese robotics company, Logon Technology, unveiled the RT-G autonomous spherical robot in a release, saying it was a ...
ANYbotics builds and develops a specialized autonomous, AI-driven four-legged industrial inspection robot the company calls ...
Project CETI researchers developed the AVATARs framework to make the most out of the small amount of time sperm whales spend ...