Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone shared on his social media that a trailer using AI for "The Godfather Part 4" is fake.
Recently, the filmmaker tested AI to see if it could generate ideas for films by himself, Spielberg, Tarantino, and even ...
Virtual reality, combined with AI tools like Sora, Runway, Kling, and Haiper, will enable future moviemakers to create videos ...
The daughter of a deceased actor who provided the voice of Sylvester Stallone in French-dubbed movies for decades has ...
A new film which will undoubtedly anger the Kremlin is set to depict an AI version of Vladimir Putin in soiled adult nappies, ...
In today’s digital era, where AI is becoming an indispensable part of daily life, the younger generation often finds their ...
Generative AI systems like Runway are on the threshold of being ready for major studios to use, experts tell TheWrap.
Forrest Gump actor Tom Hanks had to play his younger self in Here for which the makers used the de-ageing technology. The ...
A movie about the Russian president's life, in which Putin's true face is shown thanks to AI, will be released in several ...
Resembling taglines as seen in movie posters, the trailer also weaves in words that supposedly describe the movie, such as ...
A Polish filmmaker is set to premiere his film that includes Putin the Russian president’s face imposed onto an actor through ...