The Pentacrest is the Old Capitol and a collection of four buildings on the campus of the University of Iowa that surround the Old Capitol — Jessup Hall, Macbride Hall, MacLean Hall, and Schaeffer Hall — on a four-block-sized parcel of land in Iowa City, Iowa. The Old Capital exhibits the Greek Revival style while the four buildings that surround it display Beaux-A…
The Pentacrest is the Old Capitol and a collection of four buildings on the campus of the University of Iowa that surround the Old Capitol — Jessup Hall, Macbride Hall, MacLean Hall, and Schaeffer Hall — on a four-block-sized parcel of land in Iowa City, Iowa. The Old Capital exhibits the Greek Revival style while the four buildings that surround it display Beaux-Arts architecture.
Location: Bounded by Clinton, Madison, Jefferson, and Washington Sts. Iowa City, IA
Built: 1842 (Old Capital), 1898
Architect: John F. Rague (Old Capital), Proudfoot, Bird & Rawson